

Kate Sweeney (Kate Sweeney Dog Photography)

Esther Dix

Cameron and Shirley Laing

Janet Finlay

Unsplash: Barbara Montavon


All used with permission and/or under license. If you find any images on this site that you consider breach your intellectual property rights, please contact me and I will investigate immediately. 


All videos hosted on this site have been edited/produced by Janet Finlay, with footage filmed by Janet Finlay, Esther Dix, Cameron and Shirley Laing, and still images as above. Music on these videos is by Video Hero, and used with permission, and by Kevin MacLeod under Creative Commons license. Specific tracks are credited on each video or in the information provided on the video page.

In addition, there are some links to publically available videos by third parties on Youtube, Vimeo etc. Details of these videos are available on their own Youtube page.